Friday, October 25, 2013


Mr. Nirvan Maharaj, Attorney at Law and President General of the All Trinidad General Workers’ Trade Union wishes to express his Union’s solidarity with the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) and highlight his serious concern and dismay over the dismissal of 68 employees of the National Petroleum Company Limited.

The Union is calling on the Company to immediately reinstate the workers and engage in discussion with the OWTU towards bringing this matter to a reasonable conclusion in a mutually beneficial way to all parties involved.

The All Trinidad Union will like to emphasize that whatever the circumstances of the dismissal and the arguments for and against the fact remains that 68 employees have been placed on the breadline in a callous and premeditated manner lacking in social conscience and good industrial relations practices. The Company must realize that the workers are not numbers and statistics but like the Management and Chairman of NP they are human beings with feelings, emotions, reasoning and logic.

It is the All Trinidad Union’s view that this matter can certainly be resolved with proper discussion, dialogue and diplomacy, while the workers are reinstated and allowed to earn a living in order to take care of their families and other pressing obligations.

Nirvan Maharaj
(Attorney at Law)
President General ATGWTU


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